Reviews from our customers left on product pages, as well as through the personal account, which is automatically created upon product purchase.
Number of reviews on SoftComputers: 1,586
Contacting Support:
If you have any questions regarding product activation, please reach out to us using any of the contact methods on the following page
  • Microsoft Office 365 - 5 PC

    Has 365 had an indefinite subscription for a long time? Study at least the description of the product or read the information on the Internet about what you are buying. And what does the store have to do with it if you can’t read..

    30.08.2021 - 07:44:55
  • Visual Studio Professional 2019

    excellent, fast and high quality

    29.08.2021 - 21:24:33
  • Microsoft Office 365 - 5 PC

    I did everything according to the instructions. It worked without any problems. Thank you so much to the store and good luck!!!

    29.08.2021 - 16:15:33
  • Microsoft Office 2013 Pro Plus

    Excellent service! I recommend it!

    27.08.2021 - 15:51:13
  • Microsoft Office 2016 Pro Plus

    I recommend it! activation occurred instantly!

    25.08.2021 - 13:07:30
  • Microsoft Office 365 - 5 PC

    The office was needed only to activate Word and Excel – it copes with these tasks perfectly…

    24.08.2021 - 20:24:16
  • Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus

    After three unsuccessful activation attempts, I decided to click on the “activate via the Internet” button – everything became clear! There is no such thing in the instructions for some reason. This is the only jamb. Yes, and the seller in the personal assured that the activation is forever…

    21.08.2021 - 20:29:54
  • Microsoft Office 365 - 5 PC

    The store is verified, they change it under warranty without any problems if something happens to the license. Support at the height, respond instantly!

    18.08.2021 - 03:06:08
  • Microsoft Office 365 - 5 PC

    Installed on mac and on Windows, quite economically, even though the subscription is for 1 year…. Everything works as stated, cheap and angry 🙂

    18.08.2021 - 00:25:23
  • Microsoft Office 365 - 5 PC

    It is very convenient to work online from a browser with documents, many functions, a convenient personal account for working with “recent documents”. I recommend to buy!! Everything is fair, activation is easy, support is in touch!

    17.08.2021 - 23:12:56